Bébé Mange Seul - Bébé Mange Seul Book

Inventory: 6

Bébé Mange Seul is the perfect book to learn all about independent feeding of infants (DME), it explains in detail the theoretical and practical concepts to start well and continue the DME 6 to 12 months!

You will find :

  • The theory and the basics
  • How to know if your baby is ready
  • How to do EMR safely
  • The evolution of baby's chewing and grasping skills from 6 months to 12 months
  • How to introduce foods and beverages
  • A section on allergies and the order of introduction
  • A section where we explain to you month by month what to offer and how to offer it
  • A section dedicated to minor concerns: EMR in daycare settings, constipation, reluctant babies
  • A section on balanced nutrition for babies
  • A variety of ideas for DME meals
  • A section of 15 recipe examples of foods for each age!

    Available in French only.
