Hatier Jeunesse - Balthazar - J'Habite Ici - Balthazar et la Terre

Inventory: 4

By following Balthazar accompanied by his bear Pépin in a poetic and humorous adventure around the world, the child makes the sensory discovery of our Earth, with its continents, its animals and their names.
This book is an introduction to geography and zoology. It incorporates sensory material designed by Maria Montessori.
Accompany the child on this adventure, he will love to follow, with his fingertips guided by the rough material, the outline of the continents and put the animals back in their habitat.
It is by presenting the globality, “the Great Whole”, with what is inside, that the child understands the World in which he lives, and that he is part of it.

"Help me to do alone" is a collection of interactive books that integrate the pedagogy and material of Maria Montessori allowing the child to be in touch with her wonderful philosophy, of "Doing to understand" and so
“Help him do it alone”.




Only available in French.
